Monday, August 15, 2016

Day 30 of our 30-day Southwest Grand Circle Caravan – Santa Fe New Mexico

The morning of Day 30, is your last chance to say see ya later to the other caravaneers. It is hard to believe that the 30 days of our caravan has ended already. It seems like just yesterday, we all met in Williams Arizona. Charlie and I were the newbies ... having never been on a caravan. Now, 30 days later we have made many, many new friends! We can't wait until next summer, when we go on the Maritime Caravan!

I talked about all the art around Santa Fe, I have to add that the Santa Fe Skies RV Resort had plenty of outdoor art. My friends, Nancy, Donna and I walked around the park and snapped photos of much of it.

Some of them have placards with descriptions, the others are left to your imagination.

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