Friday, August 16, 2019

Two Lane Adventure in New York – Saturday, June 15th 2019

Today, we traveled from Cohocton to Hemlock to enjoy the inaugural Livingston County Sheriff’s Foundation Sportsman’s Raffle at the Hemlock Fair Grounds.

What is the Livingston County Sheriff’s Foundation? It was established in 2017 by Sheriff Thomas J. Dougherty and publicly launched in 2018. The foundation has a board of directors made up of five Livingston County residents with the Sheriff serving as Chairman and the Undersheriff, Matt Bean, serving as Vice Chairman.

The mission of the Livingston County Sheriff’s Foundation is to support Sheriff’s Office projects and equipment, needs identified by members of the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office and to provide additional funding for the programs and services that affect the safety and well-being of the communities and residents of Livingston County. Some donations to the Livingston County Sheriff's Foundation have gone toward the purchase, equipment or general needs for the K9 Unit and the Mounted Patrol Unit of the Livingston County Sheriff's Office.

What is a Sportsman’s Raffle? Well, they used to be called Gun Raffles … but in the “kid glove” world we live in today … the word Gun … is a hot button. A Sportsman’s raffle also includes other items like fishing gear or cash prizes.

We were told that the Raffle sold a large amount of pre-sale tickets, which is good news for the foundation. However, since you don’t have to be present to win … attendance was a bit light.

The good thing about attendance being light, there was ample beer, soda, water and BBQ dinners for everyone that was there! In other words, if you could eat it … there was seconds or thirds of BBQ dinner from the 3-Legged Pig. Which is some of the best BBQ in this area!

These boys had a great time with a giant Jenga game!

I hope that the Sportsman’s Raffle was successful enough for the Foundation to hold a second one next year!

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