Monday, September 24, 2018

Day 88 of 117 on our “Go West, Young Man” Two Lane Adventure – Saturday 9/22/18

After our busy day of traveling around the mountain side yesterday, we are staying closer to home today. The sunrise gave us a beautiful light show on the mountains.

Linda and I did some domestic chores, like picking vegetables in the garden. She has so much! Potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, spaghetti squash, cucumbers, black berries, several varieties of tomatoes and peppers. I am excited, because she is going to load us up before we leave! Fresh vegetables are awesome! Charlie & Don helped a neighbor, up the hill, who is putting up a pergola. They were gone for most of the morning. It allowed me to get a few work related items completed too.

We sat out by the camper in the sun for a while in the afternoon and then moved to the front deck, in the shade once we all got sun burned! The deer and turkeys came right into the front yard to eat crab apples while we were sitting there. The fact that the dogs were out with us, did not bother the wildlife … the dogs on the other hand would have liked to chase them away!

Once again, Linda and Don spoiled Charlie with another of his favorite meals … pork chops, fried potatoes, homemade apple sauce and green beans. Linda made apple crisp, but Linda and I need to walk, before we eat anymore!

Linda about killed me, as we walked up the hill that she lives at the bottom of! When we got home, my Fit Bit said we had walked 23 floors! It felt like it … but it felt good, we don’t have many hills in Florida! When we walked down to the boat at Crater Lake and had to walk back up … we did 62 floors that day! Today was a quarter of that … Wow … I need to walk more hills!

The scenery was spectacular!

There was a free range bull, too close to the road for our comfort, so we turned around and headed back. We came back to the house and enjoyed some apple crisp with the guys!

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