Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day 10 - Savannah and beyond - A Two Lane Adventure

Tuesday 19 March 2019
Today was our day to explore Macon. We drove toward downtown Macon and passed a few brightly colored bear statues. I learned that these bears have decorated Macon parks for the past seven years. It was a public art project, called “Bear Trail.” “Ocmulgee Bear” across from Washington Memorial Library, near the sidewalk atop Washington Park and “Stamp Bear” is in Washington Park across from the Post Office.

Speaking of Washington Park, Mayor JHR Washington’s home sat on the current site of Washington Memorial Library. He always envisioned a park across the street that was in 1851. Four decades later, the property was officially named Washington Park. Before, it was informally known as the “Wesleyan Slide.” They dug out dirt for building and construction projects and so forth. I guess just because it was available and it was vacant. This created the park’s bowl shape. By 1915, they had put up a side railing but there were still no trees or plants. In the 1930s, the Works Project Administration took over and created most of what Washington Park is now.

We toured the Cannonball House with a bus tour from Tennessee. The Cannonball House? Yes, that is what it is known for. The house was struck by a cannonball during a Union Army attack by General George Stoneman’s Raid on July 30, 1864. It is an authentic Greek revival architecture built in 1853. It was the town home of Judge Asa Holt and his wife.

One hundred years later, the United Daughters of the Confederacy purchased the home, along with its original two-story brick kitchen and servants quarters. This purchase saved the historic home from destruction. The two-story kitchen was actually the original dining room too.

The house is also the repository for the Founders’ parlors of the Adelphean and Philomathean societies, recreated from Wesleyan College, where they began in 1851 and 1852.

The second story of the home featured two bedrooms and a sitting area at the top of the stairs with a fainting sofa.


The back yard features charming English gardens featuring seasonal blooms, a sundial, wrought iron gates and fences.

There is a courtyard in the backyard. It used to be part of the balcony of the old union depot. It is where Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, stood on his visit to Macon in 1887.

We tried to tour the Hay House, but it was locked. Maybe the only person on duty, was taking visitors on a tour? The home itself was huge! We were told that the interior is spectacular.

We drove around looking at the old homes, before we headed to lunch.

The Rookery was recommended by a Macon local for a meal, while we were in town. We decide on lunch. During an era that saw Jimmy Carter ascend to the White House and Macon’s own Capricorn Records release hit after hit making music history, the Rookery was just being born. Today the Rookery bustles on, serving Allman Burgers and Jimmy Carter shakes to Maconites and travelers from far and wide.

The Rookery was voted Best Burger in town and featured in Garden and Gun’s “Guide to the South’s best Burgers 2014.” It was only 11:30 and the Rookery’s dining area and the bar are already bustling with patrons. Other noteworthy food features are the onion rings, hand-cut fries, milkshakes, and extensive craft beer list.

Most of us had the infamous burgers. The Rookery Burger, a double stack burger of your choice, American cheese, sautéed onion, dill pickles, mustard, and Coca-Cola ketchup. Walter had the Jimmy Carter burger, a burger of your choice with peanut butter and applewood smoked bacon. It came with a side of jelly that Walter added to his burger.

Charlie ordered the Pot Roast. He said it was delicious. The restaurant is in an old building downtown and it was just like an old house … the table we sat at was freezing and the table Walter, Betty, Bill and Debbie were at was very warm! There was a large table outside the front door, which would have been awesome to sit at, if it was a little bit warmer outside!

Sandy and I took a walk around the park. We found the Butterfly Garden, it is a bit early for the flowers, thus no butterflies.

We did find the purple bloomed vine, we have seen all over Georgia! I am thinking it is purple wisteria. But that is my best guess!

We have been camped by the lake, but we finally found the road sign leading us to the lake, by the road anyway!

I am sure this is some kind of root, but Sandy and I debated that it might be alive … LOL …. Your imagination is a very powerful thing!

We saw two of these little guys run across the road in front of us. Then they scampered into the tall hedge row. I am not sure if he is one of the birds we saw, but he is the same size and color. I had to google him. He is a brown thrasher, the state bird of Georgia.

The brown thrasher is a bird in the family Mimidae, which also includes mockingbirds. The bird is a large-sized thrasher. The brown thrasher is noted for having over 1000 song types, and the largest song repertoire of birds. However, each note is usually repeated in two or three phrases.

Naturally, we had to have a campfire … but since they sky is clear … it was going to get cold tonight, so we had it in the early evening, before the sun went down! Nothing beats a campfire with friends!

Sunset on this lake is pretty, but does not beat the sunsets we have at home!

On Wednesday, we meet up with 7 other rigs from our Carefree Sams camping chapter!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Day 9 - Savannah and beyond - A Two Lane Adventure

Monday 18 March 2019

Let me give you the history of Red Gate Farms. If the majestic 200 year old oak trees on Red Gate Farms could talk, perhaps they would tell us about the Indians and Colonists who have walked this land or the wild animals who once roamed here. The trees cannot tell is their tales, but through research we know that the land was used as an encampment for Confederate soldiers, and later occupied by General Sherman after his March to the Sea. In addition, many Civil War artifacts have been found on the land.

In 1931, Mr Harry E Martin Jr purchased the wooded 440 acres, which he and his wife named Red Gate Farms. Red Gate was named in memory of Mrs Martin’s cousin, Cyrus Steadwell, who was killed in France during World War I. He had always said he wanted to own such a wonderful farm and call it Red Gate. In 1933, the Martin’s began a dairy farm and cultivated 300 acres for silage corn, grain crops and pasture land for their 140 Jersey cows.

Their dairy, hog and chicken farm became widely known and was used as a model for other farmers throughout Georgia. Harry Martin led the State of Georgia in Jersey herd development and became a “folk hero” when he led a major fight to lower milk prices. His continued feud with the State Milk Control Board resulted in fair milk prices for everyone.

The family is well known for their gracious entertaining, Red Gate Farms and the Mackey House have been the center of events providing wedding, reception, birthday parties, anniversaries, corporate and other events. Mr & Mrs Martin loved Red Gate and instilled in their children and grand children a great love and pride for the land. The family has owned and operated several businesses from Red Gate over the years, the most notable are the Mackey House event venue, the Barn at Red Gate Farms event venue and of course, Red Gate Campground and RV Park.

Along with the high class of the Mackey house, we have Mr John’s John … it might look like a shack …


But it has all the modern conveniences of home! Plus grass growing under the roof, holes in the floor and a metal hook and eye to lock the door!

This is the morning we have our final gathering and say “see you again on the road” to our old and new friends.

It is always a bitter-sweet time. You hate for the adventure to end, but are grateful for the time together and you are looking forward to your next Yankee Adventure and who you will meet!

We departed Red Gate Campground as a small caravan of 4 rigs. We took 80 West past the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum into Pooler Georgia.

Pooler is a beautiful community west of Savannah. It is most famous for the Mighty 8th Air Force Museum. But it is also the site of Lock #3 of the Savannah-Ogeechee Canal System that dates to pre-Civil War times. The historic Savannah–Ogeechee Canal is one of the prime relics in the history of southern canals. Beginning with the tidal lock at the Savannah River, the waterway continues through four lift locks as it traverses over 16 miles, before reaching another tidal lock at the Ogeechee River at Fort Stewart.

Outside of Statesboro Georgia, patriotism comes in all shapes and sizes. Here is a patriotically painted wooden spool. The owner of this art, even has a solar light set up on it, so his handiwork can be seen at night!

For 38 years running, Portal Georgia hosts an Annual Turpentine Festival. Portal bills itself “The Turpentine City”. The recently named Bobby Ronald Newton Turpentine Museum is the focal point of the festival. The mural in downtown boasts of the town’s turpentine history too.

I love the majestic trees that line the roads on our Two Lane Adventures!

I might be stirring the infamous “pot” …. But this was the billboard that was proudly visible in Twin City Georgia. It says a lot about the people that live in this area.

Swainsboro is one of Georgia's most charming cities. Nestled between Augusta, Macon and Savannah, Swainsboro is home to the 74th Annual Pine Tree Festival and Southeast Timber Expo.

In 1822, the Georgia state legislature established "Swainsborough" as the seat of Emanuel County. The town was named in recognition of Stephen Swain, the state senator who introduced the bill for the county's creation in 1812. The town's name was changed to "Paris" at its incorporation on February 18, 1854, but three years later reverted to its current name, Swainsboro

The Courthouse in Dublin Georgia, reminds me very much of Monticello Florida, without the southern charm. In both towns, the main street circles around the court house.

Jeffersonville Georgia, we have been through this town before. Although, the route is not highlighted on the atlas we have traveled with for the last few years, I know we have been here. I searched our blog and I found that we traveled on Route 96 through Jeffersonville in September of 2016 as we departed the Georgia Good Sam Rally in Perry. See, my blog is more than just useless information, it helps with my memory too!

We arrived in Macon-Bibb, the self-proclaimed Cherry Blossom Capital. We hope to see some of these Cherry Blossoms while we are here!

We arrived at Lake Tobesofkee Recreation Area. We are staying Claystone Park Campground for the next two nights. This is the view from our site …. Ahhhh, life is good!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Day 8 - Savannah and beyond - A Two Lane Adventure

Sunday 17 March 2019
We had a private tour of the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum. During World War II, the story of the Eighth Air Force—better known as “The Mighty Eighth,” and made famous by the bravery of thousands of airmen flying the flak- and fighter-infested skies over Germany in B-17s and B-24s.

The National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force honors the January 1942 standup of the storied unit at nearby Hunter Army Airfield. The Eighth wouldn’t stay long—its headquarters would be relocated to England the following month to partner with England’s Bomber Command in the burgeoning air war over Europe. By war’s end, the humble beginnings of the Eighth would culminate with more than 350,000 men and women, and 3,000 aircraft.

The museum’s lobby is adorned with squadron flags and busts of Air Force elite, including General Jimmy Doolittle, hero of the 1942 raid on Tokyo, and later commander of the Eighth, and General Ira C. Eaker, the Eighth’s second in command, charged with moving it to England. After a brief introduction in the lobby, our tour guide, Gil, took us to the first exhibit.

I was struck by the eerie silence of the galleries, which made the sight of a National Socialist German Worker’s Party banner, which was hung from buildings around Germany and in countries under the boot heel of the Reich during World War II, all the more disconcerting. A long display case, filled with a timeline of the Nazi party, as well as German armbands, bayonets, uniforms, and side arms, tells the bloody story of the Nazis, while the sounds of propaganda films play softly in the background. Visitors can inspect every stitch, ribbon, and ripped seam on original Luftwaffe and RAF uniforms.

We entered a large room with a quasit hut and the walls were completely painted to look like the airfield in England.

It even captured the grey color of England. It took several artists two years to complete the painting, but it is awesome!

Finally, you’re led into the unmistakable epicenter of the museum. Standing in front of us was a B-17G model (identified by the characteristic chin turret) presented in the livery of the 5,000 B-17 to be processed through nearby Hunter Army Airfield, which served as a deployment processing center for men and aircraft during the war even after the Eighth left.

Walking around the Fortress you can see the level of detail and tireless work that’s been put into the aircraft, and the oil drips on the floor from its Wright R-1820s make it seem like it’s ready for a mission.

Years of work have been put into restoring the airframe; the tail section came from a crash in Alaska, and the upper Sperry turret came from Ohio, where the previous owner was using it as a flower pot.

A section of the museum has been dedicated specifically to stories of the capture and escape of downed Allied airmen during the European campaign. Along with a blanket covered in various military patches, collected and stitched by a GI as a POW in Germany, more and more flight jackets and equipment begin to appear. Beside the torn Nazi flag and shattered Mauser 98k, an even larger NDSAP flag than the one near the entrance can be seen in a display case, signed by hundreds of Allied pilots freed from Stalag Luft VIIIA. Near the end of the museum is a colorful display of jackets, clothing, patches and other various memorabilia from the Eighth, all donated by former Air Corps veterans.

We entered the Poppy Project, Wall of Valor. It is a hallway filled with homemade poppies.  Students can make poppies for the Poppy Wall of Valor to pay homage to the ultimate sacrifice made by members of the Eighth Air Force. These poppies are red-petal, black-centered flowers made from anything from construction paper to felt with red finger paint and watercolors.

Some are made from coffee filters or felt or construction paper. They all are unique, depending on the young hands that made them. Even California classrooms sent flowers to the Pooler museum. Other students bring them to field trips there. Flowers are grouped and labeled by group or troop — and counted. Their goal was Twenty-six thousand is the number of World War II Eighth Air Force members who gave their lives.

The poppy backstory is compelling: Red poppies, long dormant, sprung up in combat-ravaged fields during World War I. Canadian physician and Lt. Col. John McCrae wrote his famous poppy poem “In Flanders Fields” after the funeral of his friend, who died in a hellish battle, according to the Canadian Encyclopedia. His poem prompted Georgia teacher Moina Michael, known as “the Poppy Lady,” to make the red flower an emblem of war remembrance. The poppy “seems to signal to the skies, that the blood of heroes never dies,” she wrote in her “We Shall Keep the Faith” poem.

We entered an area dedicated to the ladies that supported the 8th Air Force and actually flew the aircraft. It is a big part of the unit’s history that was never taught in school. These ladies were called WASP. They paid for their own travel to Texas and spent 6 months training.

Gil told us that every 5th grader in the county school district comes to the museum and learns about the Eighth Air Force contributions to our history. All the while, the museum’s mission is simple … Teach people about the men of the Eighth in World War II.


We departed the museum and headed back into downtown Savannah. We had a noontime date with the Savannah River Queen, a 600 passenger boat. We were going to explore the harbor while enjoying a Sunday brunch. It is an unforgettable way to tour the historic waterfront city.

The Coast Guard Cutter Eagle, “America’s Tall Ship,” is in the Savannah harbor for the weekend. At 295-feet in length, Eagle is the largest tall-ship flying the stars and stripes and the only active square-rigger in US government service. With more than 22,300 square feet of sail and six miles of rigging, the Eagle has served as an afloat classroom to future Coast Guard officers since 1946. A permanent crew of eight officers and 50 enlisted personnel maintain the ship and train up to 150 cadets at a time in the skills of navigation, damage control, engineering, and deck seamanship.

There is a mutli-million dollar renovation and building in the waterfront district. There are buildings that are being renovated and new ones constructed.

The largest container ship was in the channel the same time we were. This ship is so tall, that it has to wait until the low tide to enter the channel or it can’t fit under the Tallmadge Bridge. Notice that it requires three tugs to help direct and slow the ship. Notice that it is not completely loaded, since we can still see some of the red on the underbelly.

I never realized that there were manatees in Georgia.

Our river cruise, took us past Fort Jackson. 

This is the oldest standing brick fort in Georgia and one of the five surviving Second System Seacoast Forts in the United States. Most of the original fort design and functional parts are still in existence (not re-constructed). 

We were able to watch the reenactment of a cannon firing.

Thanks to the eagle eye of our narrator, we were able to see an Eagle perched on a sunken barge. 

The river breeze was brisk and refreshing. The captain, narrator and crew provided us with a one-of-a-kind cruise adventure.

We enjoyed a Yankee Catered dinner from Vincenzo’s.

It was an awesome Italian meal, complete with cannolis!

Too bad, we have eaten sooooo much in the last few days. We all will need to go on a diet!

Our last campfire with the Savannah Rally crew!

Tomorrow our adventure ends …. :(