Saturday, November 9, 2013

Time Moves On

Okay, think about this ...

High school graduation was just the other day, right?

Yeah right! It was over 30 years ago!

So, let's take stock and answer these questions:
Name your five best friends from high school?
Do you still talk to them on a regular basis?
What changed? Was it you? Was It them.

Most likely it was nether of you, time moved on. You both found jobs, went to college, discovered  new love, started families and life got busy. You meant to call or write, but you never did. When you did all the number had changes or the mail was returned. You started to wonder did she marry? Have any kids? Then the digital age came around and you searched the internet for a My Space or Facbook account, you used the white pegs to try and locate them.

If you were successful, you found them and reconnected. If you were not successful, it left you wondering why.  You had ever lost touch in the first place. Then a notice appears in social media, the 30 year reunion is planned. Do you go? Will you travel back in time to face all of them? Will the best friend that you lost touch with be there?

I'll let you know later, my reunion s this weekend!

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