Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Means Something To Me

Memorial Day for many is a long weekend, the start of summer, a day of picnics, and all kinds of sales. Wikipedia defines Memorial Day as a US federal holiday wherein the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces are remembered. The holiday, which is celebrated every year on the final Monday of May. It is a day most take the time to pay tribute to the men and women of the Armed Forces that have died in our nation’s service.

Of course, like many holidays, Memorial Day means different things to different people. This is merely what it means to me, and what I think about. I’ll be barbequing on Monday as well. I may even be shopping for something. But I’ll have my American flag flying, and I will take the time to pause and think about those that sacrificed for me and my family, and for the rest of us that wouldn’t, couldn’t or can't serve.

I think of the comrades we lost during all wars and conflicts, but especially the members of Task Force Liberty that we lost while we were in Iraq and since we have come home. All the men and women I didn't know, but especially the ones I did. They were husbands, fathers, uncles, and brothers. They were mothers, sisters, nieces and wives. They were sons, daughters, friends, and members of Task Force Liberty. Ninety two servicemen and women never came home from Iraq with us and we have lost several more members since we have come home.

I think about the families that are missing a big part of their lives. The wives without a husband, the children without a mother, the father without a son and fiancé without a fiancé and a future wedding day. These people sacrifice as much as the soldier that gave their lives. Remember them and thank them for their sacrifice too.

Today I read a poem from my neighbor, Theresa Loder. She wrote it during Desert Storm, but the content is very thought provoking this day of remembering our fallen.

I opened the mailbox
And the letter said free
Up in the corner
Where the postage should be

It really hits home
What the words mean to me
And why many of our troops
Are in foreign countries

Their personal lives
Have been put on hold
While the events of their missions
Continue to unfold

I think Memorial Day deserves a notable place on our calendar and in our thoughts. No one deserves our honor more than those service members who surrendered their life for our country. Please remember our fallen comrades with me throughout this long weekend.

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