Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Two Lane Adventure in New York – Sunday, June 30th 2019

We arrived at Chief and Diane’s yesterday afternoon and were greeted by the wildlife. We got the camper all settled and enjoyed visiting on the back deck. Louie Martinez was there too. It is amazing how it can be so long since you have seen someone and you can pick up like you just talked to them yesterday! For those of you not in the military, you are saying Chief … that is a very strange name. Okay, his name is Larry, but he was my senior Warrant Officer and you call them Chief. So, to this day I call him Chief out of respect for him and the rank he earned.

Chief and Diane opened their home to me while I worked in Troy for the last few years of my career. I would arrive every Monday and stay until Friday. Diane and I would watch her DVR’d soap operas and Big Brother, when it was on. It was like I was home. That time is bitter sweet for me, as I used to call my Mom and talk to her all the way from the Armory to Chief’s house … oh, how I miss those talks!

Okay, so I digress. This is about the current time we are here in Troy. We went out to a great BBQ place not far from Chiefs, Prospectors Restaurant in Schaghticoke, NY.

The food was good, but the company was even better! We had such a great time and no one had to cook! When we got home, we did a bit of prep for tomorrows cook out … but most everything is ready. We just sat around and visited.

Sunday morning we had a light breakfast and got ready for the picnic. Chief and Diane’s daughter, Nicole, and her boyfriend and their son Brandon, his wife and kids got to come too. Brandon was in the Guard with us, but deployed at a later time.

As people started to arrive, it was like old home week. Seeing good friends that you have missed! 

Charlie and I did get to see Chief and Diane as well as Chuck and Nancy White, while we were in Florida this past winter. But everyone else in attendance, it had been years since we have seen any of them!

Chief wanted to make BBQ'd chicken. It was the restaurant owner, Mark, that came to the rescue after Chief started burning the chicken, not the Food Service SGM! He just stood to the side and gave advise!

Naturally, we had to take a group photo. None of us have changed much, besides adding a few pounds! Except for those younger guys that are still in the service! 

We still can't get everyone looking in the same direction, for a photo!

We ended the night with a fire in the fireplace ... ahhhhhh, life is good!

Going to war and being in harms way has a way of changing everyone and the way you see things and the way we act. I wish I could change that, but I can't. The one thing I don't want to change is the bonds that war forges in our hearts for the guys and gals we are there with. Those bonds go deep. Love all you guys!

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