Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday, September 11th, 2023 - The Circle Begins

We have spent the summer in our Florida home. Which, we have not done since the "COVID" summer. We had obligations to tend to in our community, with Charlie's position on the HOA board. We also had lots of fun with our neighbors that live here year-round. Also, those that come back down from Indiana because it is cooler in Florida!

But, tomorrow we hit the road for a 58-day adventure and we are taking y'all along!

I will do my best to post a blog daily or every other day! Stay tuned for our adventures on our own, with family, on Yankee RV Tours caravans and rallies!

This first blog pictures are of our last sunset from our patio. Charlie and I are enjoying drinks and our amazing view! Ahhhhh, life is great!

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