Saturday, June 8, 2024

Day Thirty to Thirty-Six - A Summer of Bluegrass, Camping and Friends - Monday 5/27/2024 - Sunday 6/2/2024

It's Monday 5/27/2024, which is Memorial Day this year. May you take a moment away from the traditional picnic and BBQs and remember those that gave the ultimate price for our freedoms! Today, we celebrate service, sacrifice, and selflessness. We can never bring back our fallen soldiers, but we can honor them. To the brave men and women who gave their lives protecting our freedom: We are forever in your debt. We thank you. We proudly remember you today and everyday in our words, actions and our lives.

Rainbow, Never Forget.

I enjoyed my last walk in Ives Run for this trip. We will be back a few more times for very short stays! I had two friends come out to say "se-ya-later!" I thought the squirrel had made it with a chipmunk, because of the stripe on his side. 
Rob told me it is a red squirrel. I could ask Swifty, if he was here, he had them in his camper over the winter! 

The deer was near the camp store and just stood there. She was in no hurry to move on!

Later this morning, we hope to move to Tompkins a bit ahead of the 4pm check-in time. 
Charlie and I drove over in the car to scope out the sites. The only site open was Rob & Shelia's. We sent that info and they headed over and we went back to Ives Run. They kept us updated and when our site and Dana & Dawn's site was open, we headed over. We all got in before noon and Bob & Ellen arrived around 4pm.

We enjoyed our "grill your own meat" and shared sides for dinner and a fire. I will share with you Tompkins is a beautiful peaceful setting on the Bench loop along the lake, but there is very limited cell and internet signal. You might as well say non-existent signal. 

On Tuesday May 28th, 
I enjoyed my first walk in Tompkins. My walk takes me to the marina, where there is decent cell signal. On my walk, gave me time to check my emails and the like. I did get to walk a spell with Sheila and Marley.

We planned to meet in Wellsboro and enjoy a few beers and lunch at a Dive Bar. The dive bar was closed, but we learned it is called The Gaslight. It is only open for lunch on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Our second choice was The Roost. That was a place where Gary & Sheryl, Charlie & I met Jack & Ann Sapp and their friend two years ago. That too was closed! Our next choice in that block was Timeless Destinations. It was open, but it was just by chance! We learned that the 4th Tuesday of each month the Chamber of Commerce meets there, so they are open. Normally, they are closed on Tuesdays too! Our lucky day! Charlie had a BLT and I ordered a salad. I did not expect the peppers and onions to be grilled, but it was a good salad. I did not take any home, because I did not know how it would be completely cold!

We all went our separate ways and enjoyed the shops in downtown Wellsboro. With the lack of chain stores and restaurants in the community, downtown Wellsboro seems frozen in time. 
The lack of chain stores in the area means that the small mom and pop stores have been able to survive. I learned that Wellsboro is home to an independent department store, Dunham’s. We walked through it, we went from clothes, to shoes, to housewares, and into furniture. It was like a maze of stores. We came out a back door into an ally. We were looking for their hardware section. We gave up and moved on. We found out later that if we had turned left, instead of right we would have been in Dunham's hardware store!

On Wednesday May 29th, 
I enjoyed my 150th walk of 2024. My second walk in Tompkins on Cowanesque lake. It was a beautiful 53° to walk. Limited signal, so no music, just positive affirmations and time to reflect on my journey. I thought about taking a trail. The trail connects Cowanesque Lake and Nelson Falls. 

I thought it would be cool to see the falls. But the name and the warnings scared me right off! It's called the Moccasin trail. To me that does not say what Indians wore on their feet, it says snakes! The second notice said it was an active hunting area and hikers should wear blaze orange. Well, I wear a safety yellow sweatshirt, but I was not going to chance it!

Sheila and Marly visited us today. Marley is always on alert for chipmunks! He had his eye on one for a long time today. It's like the chipmunk and Marley were having a staring contest, neihter one moved!

Our plan for this day was to head to Racks Brew House in Elkland for dinner and drinks. We thought they opened at 3pm. We were wrong, so Dana said there was a bar around the corner, were we could wait. 

There is history in the building that houses 
Racks Brew House. According to local historian, the building was erected in 1932 by Nick Georgeston of Port Allegany as Elkland’s first soda fountain and sandwich shop, called the Georgeston Bros. After a few years, Georgeston added a hotel upstairs and changed the business’ name to the Penn Elk. Georgeston sold the business to a former employee, Peter Lascaris of Syracuse, in 1944. He created a bar and hotel, called The Penn Elk. The Penn Elk was notorious for its steaks. But it was driven by the tanneries, so when the tannery here died, the Penn Elk died. After the Penn Elk closed, the building was bought 15 or 20 years ago and transformed back into a bar, but that didn’t last long. Tony Daley purchased the building after it sat idle for several years, slowly falling behind in upkeep. Tony said “this historical building used to be an important part of the town and its name was pretty prestigious at one time. Now it’s finding its way back to life.”

We were greeted by our cheerful bartender and server, Haley. At first we were the only 9 people in there. But as time went by, more locals and our of town visitors arrived. Since it was a rainy day, Charlie asked if they could start the fireplace. A man came out to light it and said it would roast us out. Well that never happened and we learned that man was the owner, Tony Daley. He was an easy going and great guy to talk to. He is a local boy, so he shared his insight into the town and answered any questions we had.

Charlie enjoyed a "Citra Ass Down" IPA and I had an 
IC light Mango (only 95 calories.) Charlie was saying all week, if they had pizza he was having it! Well they happened to have a Pizza & Wings special. I went for the Stingin' Honey Chicken Salad. The pizza looked good, I did enjoy a wing or two and my salad was so big, I had to take some home! 

It was a rainy night, so no fire... everyone just went inside their campers when we got home. Too bad, because it is Bob & Ellen's last night with us!

On Thursday May 30th, I enjoyed my morning walk and learned something interesting. I only needed the internet access to start my music. I played my motivational song, Breaking Boundaries, while I was at the marina. I kept walking away from the marina and the music kept playing! 
Our plan for the day was for the 5 of us to head to Elmira to buy seafood. If you are within 60 miles of Elmira, there’s no better place to buy fresh fish and seafood than the Maine Harvest Seafood. Friendly and quick service, very fresh product at market price. The value is being able to have it in your refrigerator a few days before eating. Truly a top shelf fish and seafood market! Those that know Charlie are saying, he does not eat fish or seafood. Correct! But everyone else in the group does and we are planning a delicious seafood dinner!

We went to Wegmans for a few more items we needed. It was the first time I have been in Wegmans in two years! It has not changed. It is still a great friendly place to shop! What a selection! 
We did see a few murals in Elmira. This one is titled “Community Barber Shop.” It was painted on one of the outer walls of Derito’s Barber Shop on Franklin Street. The mural features a barber and a customer in front of a spiraling barber shop pole in the background. The mural was painted by artist and sheet metal worker Jharmi “Cuba” Leach. Jharmi hopes that the new mural will help boost awareness of the community arts and help business at the barber shop grow.

Two more of our couples that are camping for the weekend showed up today! Lynn & Swifty and Karen & Royce! This is the one and only time we will camp with Lynn and Rick, this summer.

On Friday May 31st it was 
my 152nd walk of 2024. My fourth walk in Tompkins on Cowanesque Lake. It was a very crisp 41° to start. I focused on my positive affirmations as I climbed the hills this morning. The only ones using the swimming area are the Geese and their babies!

Friday was also the day we moved from our full hook-up site to the water & electric site "on the hill" as we call it! It is on the end of the loop and you have to go up on the knoll to get level and you come off of it when you leave. We were supposed to be on the site for our whole stay. But, were able to get a FHU site for part of
 our stay.

We enjoyed dinner together and a nice fire!

Saturday June 1st, it's my 153rd walk of 2024. My fifth walk in Tompkins on Cowanesque Lake. It was a bit warmer at 44° to start. I focused on my positive affirmations as thoughts.

This was the day Marley has been waiting for! Rob is here and he got to go in the water and do some retrieving! His buddy Walter joined him and they had lots of fun! Sheila tried one day, but like me, her throwing skills are not so hot!

Earlier in the week, our group was commenting on the loop without sewer. Each site had a sign that tells the campers that the PVC pipe that is at the site "is not a sewer hookup." 

We said "is that really necessary?" 

They are painted blue ... most people associate blue with water... 

Well, on my walk I saw this... I guess the signs are necessary and some campers don't read them! Yuck!!

Some of our group went into town, other just enjoyed the quiet times at the campground!

Naturally, we enjoyed dinner together. 

Then, Karen's pudding shots and of course a fire!

Sunday, June 2nd, 
it's my 154th walk of 2024. My sixth walk in Tompkins on Cowanesque Lake. It was a beautiful morning at 51° at 7am! I enjoyed my conversation with God and focused on my positive affirmations. I even felt his presence and it was kind of captured in this picture!

Today, all of our friends leave and head for home. We will camp with them again over 4th of July at Darien Lake State Park. We also get to camp with Craig & Tracey Lamoureux then!

A few headed out early, but a couple waited until closer to noon! Dana and Dawn are retired, so no need to rush!

Charlie and I move tomorrow to Jellystone - PA Wilds in Mansfield. So, we decided to take a drive and check out the route and the park. On our way there, we got a text from Charlie's sister, Mary. They were heading north on US 15. They were a few miles from the Mansfield exit. We were close too. So, they pulled off for a break and we met up with them for a quick visit! It's funny how close you can be to each other while you are traveling! After we checked out the park, Charlie and I went to Perkins for a late lunch early dinner.

Stay tuned for more of our Two Lane Adventures! 

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