Friday, May 20, 2016

Until We Meet Again

Time, it is what we think we have so much of until it runs short. We always say “I can do that tomorrow” and then sometimes, tomorrow never comes. That is where we are at in our life … there seemed to be so much we still wanted to do … but my time with Carefree is running short.

Yes, for those of you that don’t know … Carefree Communities was sold to Sun Communities and June 8th will be my last day with Carefree. Actually, it will be the last day that Carefree exists. WOW … never thought I would say that … We will still reside in our community, maintain the same lifestyle, and enjoy whatever we do!

This picture of a map and our Carefree watches, symbolize a great deal about our lives since we have retired from the Military and started living “the Carefree lifestyle.” My husband and I have worn these watches daily, since they were given to us in 2008 or 2009. We use our road atlas to navigate all over the US and Canada in our RV. Some of our Two Lane Adventures have been for Carefree, traveling to RV shows, Good Sam and FMCA rallies and our “Great Canadian RV Adventure,” while others have been with our friends and family. We would not trade these past almost 10 years for anything!

As my time with Carefree comes to a close, I have nothing but deep gratitude to Carefree and all its team members. I can honestly say that working for Carefree has helped me develop a great passion for the company’s vision and the lifestyle that our communities create, a passion that will not decrease as our chapters with Carefree come to a close.

Some of you will continue your employment with Sun Communities and others will seek out new challenges and adventures. No matter which category you are in, remember a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt … “Life is what you make it. Always has been, always will be.” Remember that as you continue with Sun or as you venture out to new opportunities. What happens next is up to you! I know we are going to enjoy our Two Lane Adventures all summer and figure out our next move when we get back to Florida.

I can honestly say that the last few positions I had with Carefree were a couple of the jobs that I really loved. I also can say that every team member I interacted with shaped who I am today and how I view our world. Please know that even though this BLOG does not shout out thank you to specific people, you know who you are!

God Bless each of you on this next phase of our journey. Look back only to remember the good times, look forward to see all the great things to come! Watch out, you never know, we might stop in your communities! This is not a good bye, it is an "until we meet again!"


  1. YOU & Charlie are AWESOME!!!! THE BEST!!! Thanks you so much for your tireless hours spent preparing for the open houses and shows that were executed to perfection. It was hard work but essential to sales success and you two never complained. I am so thankful to have worked with you as professionals and gotten to know you as friends. Brock will always be grateful for the box tops you collected for him. All the best to you two out there on the road. Safe travels and I hope you get to discover all that you want too.

  2. Thank you so much Wendy for all what you have done for my team in the US and Canada.
    You have help us as soon we asked at any hours of the day and any days of the week. You have been a tremendous help, support and reassurance for all of us to sell park models.
    I wish the best to you and Charlie in your new adventure. Sincerely Mich xxx
