Thursday, July 7, 2016

Arizona, Day Trips – Unique Signs and Skating

On one of our drives west of Phoenix, we headed into Native American country and came across another unique “crossing” sign. We have seen bear, panther, turtle, and jack ass crossing signs … we can now add wild horses to that list!

Yes, we saw the sign and a few miles later, we actually saw the wild horses taking a water break near the creek we were crossing! We did see a few more out in the desert, but the pictures did not come out as clearly and the horses did not show up as well ... not that they are huge in this picture!

Another adventure I had was ice skating! Yes, you heard right … we are in Arizona in July and I went ice skating with my granddaughter. It is hot enough outside to fry an egg on the sidewalk, but we dressed in layers and prepared to head to the ice arena. It is tucked behind a strip mall next to a Walmart only a couple of miles from my son’s house. Our son, went along and watched, but he was too chicken to done some skates! I guess you’re never too old to give skating a try?!

We paid a mere $8.00 each, got our big pink sticker and were ready for a few hours of sheer terror and the rental of the torture equipment! Safety first … I looked around for a pillow to tie around my waist … no, luck … I should have brought one from the house! Oh well, I spied the “tot walkers” … they look kind of like a standard walker, but made out of PVC … if I could get my hands on one of those, the falls would be limited for sure! My spirits were quickly dashed, when I was told they were for ages 6 and under! Archaic skates was all I was given, Madissen on the other hand got cool looking skates with high ankle supports! She was lucky enough to have small feet! I do remember that the skates need to fit and be laced properly, no skipping eyelets. This helps keep your ankles from wobbling … my ankles wobbling are the least of my worries.

So, we were laced up and ready to take to the ice … we stood up and started to wobble to the stairs. When they announced to clear the ice … what? We just got all laced up and ready to go! No …. Okay, we quickly learned that this was only a temporary action … the Zamboni was coming out to freshen the ice. Damn … I thought I had weaseled out of this family activity!

A quick few minutes later the ice was ready and it was as smooth as a sheet of glass, literally! The saddest part of this adventure was that during the open skate we attended there was a little one, maybe only 2 years-old and he is already a master on ice skates! It probably wasn't long ago when this adorable toddler learned to walk. Now he was doing what most adults can't do without falling in embarrassment. Yes, I was ready to have to pick my dignity up off the ice!

We, my granddaughter and I started out, with both hands on the railing along the boards. More or less pulling ourselves along with the states never left the ice! As time went by, we slowly let go of the railing and maneuvered around the ice. I did learn that I could indeed stop without the help of the boards. I was analyzing the falls that everyone else was taking, and trying to visualize how I would do it. I thought I was ready …. There was a great deal of teetering back and forth, but I did not fall! Yes, that is right … I did not jinx myself by saying that during one of the many breaks we took, but I did not fall!

While your legs work particularly hard, skating can provide a full-body workout. It is a tremendous core workout, there is so much body control and balance. It really strengthens the core quite a bit. You wouldn’t think you would work up a sweat on the ice, but you really do when you’re skating or attempting not to fall. I am not sure which I did more, skating or attempting not to fall! 

In the end, I was able to push off with the left foot and kept the right blade planted on the ice, not graceful by any means! It was a great afternoon spent with our son and granddaughter in an air conditioned environment in the 110 degree heat of Arizona.

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