Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Night 3 of our 30-day Southwest Grand Circle Caravan

Night 3 began with securing rides in as few vehicles as possible. We heard that it was $25 per car to access Lake Powell, where we were headed for a dinner cruise! We managed to get 37 people into 8 vehicles. What a better way to get closer to your caravan partners! We passed the Glen Canyon Dam on our way to the lake. The Dam formed by the waters of the Colorado River behind Glen Canyon Dam is Lake Powell's almost 2,000 miles of winding shoreline and 186 mile-length make it the second-largest reservoir in the United States.

When we got to Lake Powell, we were surprised to learn that our “America the Beautiful” passes got us access to the lake … so Yankee RV Tours saved the $200 to get us into the park.

What makes Lake Powell so memorable is the contrast between the deep clear blue waters and the surrounding landscape - stark red sandstone rocks with little or no vegetation, the innumerable steep remote side canyons, and the spires, ridges and buttes that once stood high above the Colorado, but now form cliffs at the lakeside or are semi-submerged on small islands. Lake Powell has become a major center for many leisure activities, principally fishing, water sports, hiking and house boating. Access to Lake Powell and Glen Canyon by road is very limited. Activities are concentrated at the western edge, near Page, where various beaches, resorts, marinas and campsites are found along the shoreline.

We headed to the Lake Powell Resorts and Marina and parked. We secured our tickets, which were already included in our caravan costs.

After that, it was a short walk to the pier, where we boarded the Canyon Princess our vessel for the night.

We were treated to before dinner drinks and good conversation. All the tables were preset with family style salad and rolls. We pre-selected our dinner entrees, we had chosen from steak, salmon, chicken or vegetarian. When the meals arrived, they were visually pleasing (I wish I had gotten a picture of them,) and after our first bites … we all said they were delicious!

Before and during dinner, some of us continued to get up and go outside on the deck, to take pictures of the breathtaking views. I don’t need to say anymore, just enjoy the pictures!

Just after sunset, we returned to the Marina and were transported back to Lake Powell Resorts and Marina. Where we got back into our cars and made our way back to Page Lake Powell Campground.

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